In our kennel, girls never do more than 4 litters, sometimes less. They begin as soon as possible, following their season dates, their physiological and psychological evolution and our annual program of all litters.
So approximativly around 6, they are retired and can live a pet life in our company or in a family specially choosen for them, fitting at their own particularities.
You can find in this page who belongs to Kertanhyys'history
Jinx is a sweet and gentle dog like her mother and lives happily in her own family. 39cm for 10kg
Octavia is the bulldozer of the team. I go first, think later. Chickens, geese, horses, everything has to obey this determined little blonde. Hairy dynamite! Octavia has retired with a charming little granny, and they've found each other and never left each other's side. Perhaps her one and only last daughter, Unhyyk, can take over from her later on. 37.5cm for 8kg
Fairy was a discreet dog, calm indoors but with a great energy level outdoors. She proved to have a herding instinct with our horses when we arrived in Ariège. 37.5cm for 8kg