Specific Sales Conditions


Article 1: Identity and domiciliation of the buyer-Transfer of ownership
The adult and responsible buyer, who has declined and justified his identity and address, declares that he is not prohibited from keeping a dog. The seller undertakes to make the transfer to the Société d'identification des Carnivores Domestiques (ICAD) within one week after full payment of the dog and any additional costs; if payment is made by cheque, the period begins when the dog is cashed.

Article 2: Purchasing decision - Characteristics and needs of the breed
All buyers acknowledge that they have carefully considered their purchase decision and have been fully informed in advance of their obligations as keepers, the cost of maintenance and the health and behavioural risks inherent to the breed and dog species. For its part, the seller provides the buyer at the time of delivery with a set of information documents on the characteristics and needs of a Belgian shepherd dog or shetland shepherd or white Swiss shepherd including, among other things, recommendations for feeding, maintenance, deworming and vaccination and health precautions, dog training advice, as well as instructions on the procedure to follow to confirm or deny certain predispositions and warnings. Finally, the seller undertakes to provide the dog and its purchaser with three free canine behavioural training sessions within the establishment within one year of the dog's purchase - sessions during which corrections to the procedure may be made.

Article 3: Legal obligations provided for in Articles L. 214-1 to L. 214-3 of the Rural and Maritime Fisheries Code.
The purchaser undertakes to keep the animal in conditions compatible with its biological and behavioural needs and to give it careful care.
In particular, without this list being exhaustive, the purchaser undertakes to distribute quality food, biologically adapted to a carnivore, in sufficient quantity and without excess, to ensure healthy growth and maintenance of health in adulthood, to leave clean and fresh water permanently available, to offer accommodation guaranteeing safety and well-being, to allow the expression of social and exploratory needs through daily activities, to use educational methods that do not cause suffering or pain, to provide veterinary care without delay or restriction. The purchaser agrees that the veterinary expenses he incurs, of any nature whatsoever, shall remain at his expense, unless otherwise agreed in writing in advance by the seller. The purchaser is reminded that failure to comply with these obligations constitutes an act of abuse.


Article 4: Use
Unless otherwise specified, the animal is acquired and considered as a pet for family and personal use, excluding, consequently, any essential and exclusive use for reproduction, hunting, guarding or defence purposes, in particular. As from the delivery of the animal, and due to the fact that the seller may no longer influence the care given to the animal or intervene to make any correction whatsoever to any errors in feeding, breeding or education that may be made by the purchaser to whom the risks of breeding and keeping are transferred, the parties agree that, where applicable, no guarantee of subsequent confirmation or success in a competition may be given against the seller.
If the buyer wishes a dog for exhibition, reproduction, it is necessary to specify it at the time of booking in order to consider the guarantees provided for in these situations... Otherwise, the sale will be made to a company and no confirmation guarantee will be applied.

Article 5: Birth certificate-Pedigree
The Dog's Birth Certificate, or its pedigree if confirmed, is given at the time of transfer or sent to the purchaser by ordinary mail upon receipt. This birth certificate does not constitute a pedigree, the dog must be presented to an expert confirmer from the age of 12 months.
Confirmation is only necessary for the reproduction of puppies registered in the LOF. Failure to confirm the dog in the context of a sale to a company will not entitle the dog to compensation for any reason whatsoever.

Article 6: Accessories-Additional costs
On delivery, in addition to all the information documents and the education guide stipulated in Article 2, the certificate of identification, the vaccination booklet and the veterinary certificate shall be handed over. The purchaser is reminded that he alone is responsible for the consequences of vaccines or booster shots not carried out or carried out outside the prescribed time limits. Only veterinarians are authorized to carry out and certify them.
At the request of the purchaser and giving rise to additional costs, anti-rabies vaccination may be carried out and a passport and/or health certificate issued by the seller's veterinarian. The extended care of a puppy for convenience beyond 12 weeks, the supply of items or food are part of the additional costs.


Article 7: Legal guarantees
The sale is governed by Articles L213-1 et seq., and for the regulatory part by Articles R213-2 et seq. of the Rural Code, by Article 1641 et seq. of the Civil Code, and by the Consumer Code.


Article R213-2: For the purposes of applying Articles L. 213-1 and L. 213-2, the following shall be deemed to be fundamental defects and shall give rise only to actions arising from Articles 1641 to 1649 of the Civil Code, without distinction as to the localities where sales and exchanges take place, diseases or defects affecting dogs and cats:

1° For the canine species:
 a) Carré disease;
 b) Contagious hepatitis (Rubarth disease);
 c) Canine parvovirus;
d) Coxofemoral dysplasia; in the case of this disease, for animals sold before the age of one year, the results of all radiographic examinations carried out up to that age shall be taken into account in the event of action resulting from redhibitory defects;
e) Testicular ectopy for animals over six months of age;
f) Retinal atrophy;

Article R213-3: Regardless of the time limit for bringing the action, the buyer, under penalty of being inadmissible, must appoint experts to draw up minutes within the time limits set by Article R. 213-5. The request shall be submitted orally or in writing to the judge of the court of first instance of the place where the animal is located; that judge shall record in his order the date of the request and shall immediately appoint one or three experts who shall operate as soon as possible.

These experts verify the condition of the animal, collect all relevant information, give their opinion and, at the end of their minutes, affirm by oath the sincerity of their operations.

Article R213-6: In the case of transmissible diseases of canine or feline species, the action in warranty can only be exercised if a diagnosis of suspicion signed by a veterinarian has been established according to the criteria defined by order of the Minister in charge of agriculture and within the following deadlines:

1° For canine distemper: eight days;
2° For canine contagious hepatitis: six days;
3° For canine parvovirus: five days;

Prior to any action, the purchaser undertakes that his veterinarian will inform the seller's veterinarian in writing and transmit to him all elements of diagnosis and observation. The animal must, as far as possible, be kept alive so that the counter-expertise that may be ordered by the Court or requested by the seller can take place. The purchaser will not be able to avoid this obligation. Any intervention or euthanasia that is not justified by a vital prognosis and to which the seller has not given his written consent, would de facto relieve the seller of any guarantee. In the event of euthanasia or death of the animal, its body must be kept so that the counter-expertise ordered by the Court or requested by the seller can take place, as stipulated in the decree of 2 August 1990.

Article 8: Limits of guarantees
As the parties agree on the evolutionary nature of a dog and a fortiori of a puppy, cannot be considered as compromising the use engaging the guarantee of conformity as defined in the Consumer Code that major breaches likely to irremediably compromise the possession. Are major the only health conditions of congenital or hereditary origin involving a vital prognosis as well as the only serious behavioural conditions that endanger people, provided that they are not attributable to living conditions or education received after leaving the farm and this within the legal deadlines. Any other infringement, whether minor, not affecting the puppy's physical and behavioural development or not, whether resulting from the purchaser's choice to whom the risks of custody, breeding and education are transferred or whether it is unpredictable due to the precautions taken in the selection of parents and the means implemented for the proper physical and behavioural development of a puppy, cannot be blamed on the seller and can only be guaranteed compliance. The purchaser declares that he is aware of this and accepts the risk that it may be inherent to the breed, the dog species or more generally to any living being or linked to his choices of care, breeding and education. As part of the guarantee of conformity for major damage compromising use, it is up to the purchaser to prove that his choices of care, breeding and education are not prejudicial and that the seller's recommendations are fully respected; failing this, the transfer is exclusively subject to the provisions of the Rural and Maritime Fisheries Code relating to the sale and exchange of domestic animals and the animal is only covered against diseases and conditions stipulated in Articles L. 213-1 to L. 213-9 and R. 213-2 to R. 213-8 of the Rural and Maritime Fisheries Code. In fact, apart from the application of the provisions of Article L. 213-3 et seq. or, possibly, of any special conditions that may be stipulated, the seller shall not be bound by any guarantee, discount or refund.

Article 9: Price and Payment
The price indicated cannot be reduced, the care received by the dogs and a fortiori the puppies being all equivalent. Only a defect known at the time of the transfer and clearly brought to the attention of the purchaser, including the consequences, may give rise to a price lower than the price usually charged if this defect is capable of compromising the full role of a pet dog, a defect which may lead to a shortening of the dog's normal life. Conversely, educational work or the incurring of particular costs may give rise to a higher price than the price usually charged.
Payment of the price must be made within 89 days of the transfer. It can be split. The payment of any additional costs must be made in full by the day of delivery at the latest. In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 80-335 of 12 May 1980, the animal remains the property of the seller until full payment of the agreed price and any additional costs. As the holder, the buyer is responsible for the custody, risks and perils as well as civil liability upon delivery at his own expense.

Article 10: Assignment - Delivery
The transfer is made exclusively within the establishment and in the presence of the parties. No deliveries are made outside the establishment. Upon express request of the buyers, a delivery can be heard in this case, the well-being of the dog will remain the priority. Any delivery remains the sole responsibility of the buyers.
For foreign countries, we work exclusively with AirTransportAnimal.
A puppy does not leave the facility until it is 8 weeks old, properly dewormed, vaccinated and deemed behaviourally and medically fit and sufficiently self-sufficient in food to leave the facility.

Article 11: Non-conservation of the animal by the purchaser
No dogs are taken back or exchanged.
The purchaser is reminded that abandonment is prohibited. If the buyer cannot or will not keep the dog, he undertakes to inform the seller of the situation. For his part, the seller undertakes to offer him his help for the replacement and possibly to offer him a low-cost care solution for the time of the replacement. If the buyer resells or donates his dog, the seller remains a priority for redemption or adoption without this constituting an obligation. However, the seller undertakes, in his capacity as a breeder involved in the future of his animals, provided that the health and behavioural assessment of the dog is not likely to present a risk to his own animals and that his housing capacity allows him to do so, to become the owner of the dog again, either permanently or temporarily. This commitment is valid throughout the dog's life, even if he has changed ownership.

Article 11: Other commitments of the seller
The seller guarantees the filiation of the dog born in his breeding. He undertakes to provide on request all the information in his possession on the health and behavioural status of the parents he owns. He undertakes to inform the purchaser of the appearance of a health problem in a member of the siblings or one of the ascendants likely to constitute a health risk for the dog. The seller undertakes to follow the dog throughout his life and to offer his advice to the purchaser or his potential successors.

Article 12: Disputes
In accordance with the ordinance of 20 August 2015, the free use of a mediation system is offered and paid for by the institution. The mediator appointed is Mediavet 7, rue Saint Jean 31130 Balma Telephone: +33682396962