Belgian Shepherd Tervueren sable
born 01/01/2018 - 65,5cm - 32kg
Odyn is a very gentle, easy-going, very pleasant dog with his own sense of personal space. He gives his puppies his bone structure, his size, his intelligence, particularly when it comes to opening doors and freeing locked dogs, and his reproductive health!
Belgian Shepherd Groenendael
born 16/04/2018 - 65 cm - 35kg
genetically free of DM, MDR1, SDCA 1 & 2
Belgian Shepherd Groenendael
born on 26/03/2019 - 66cm - 30kg
genetically free of DM, MDR1, SDCA 1 & 2
Paladin is so sweet and smart, an intelligent, tender, gentle dog that learns quickly, easy to live with, willing, athletic with stop and chisel. He brings a crazy movement, angulations to cover ground, a long neck, and an iron health with a big resistance to heat and effort.
Paladin is the great-grandson of Plsen de Iamara, owned by Annie Leroy-Mercier, licensed in the ring, 1st excellent NE 2008 working class, a dog I had the honour of knowing and who goes back to the Domaine d'Eole kennel.